
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dearest Kate,

In the first unit of the Drama course, we read The Taming of the Shrew written by Shakespeare. In this course,we will focus on different plays and talk about the hidden themes in each one. The Taming of the Shrew is about a rude and annoying woman who is the shrew who becomes tamed by her shrewish husband. The play follows her marriage and her sister who is the perfect sweet, innocent girl. Throughout the book,Kate's husband, Petruchio, causes her to lose her personality. For the Action Project in the first unit, we wrote  a sonnet addressed to one of the characters in The Taming of the Shrew. t I wrote my sonnet to Kate telling her to either stand up to Petruchio and have him treat her as an equal or drop him. One of the things that I mainly struggled with when writing this sonnet was being able to come up with words that rhyme. This was difficult because we had to have at least two rhyming words in each quartet we wrote and we also had to incorporate four vocabulary words and a quote from the play. It was hard to work those things in and still be able to make the sonnet flow. Once I figured out the beginning, it gradually got easier to write my sonnet and I am very pleased with the way it came out.

Dearest Kate,

you were so full of merriment
until you met that swine
your relationship is woman under man

which was always his plan

“ What duty they do owe their lords and husbands.”
he demands things of you
you were such a strong shrew
yet you became his slave-of-a wife
you are being run by a knave
and you have become a bondmaid
you need to be treated as equal
please don’t let this play have a sequel

you are more than what he claims   
so you must stop playing these games

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