
Monday, January 18, 2016

The Wave of GCE

For the third action project in If These Walls could talk for Elective Term, we had to create and install a mural in our new space. All of the action projects in this class have been leading up to this moment. The other two were simply preparation for the installation of the mural. This unit did not have an internal or external because we needed all of the time to create these murals. We had to use the image that we had created in the previous project and blow it up to scale so it would fit on our set wall in the new space. There were a lot of challenges my group faced starting with not being able to get into the space when we originally thought we would be able too. This caused us to change our entire idea. We originally wanted to paint directly on the wall but with this setback, we had to paint on paper then eventually wheat paste it onto the wall. I am very pound of how our paintings turned out and I know they will look very good once they are put up onto the wall.

Our mural is titled “The Wave”. The mural is a huge wave crashing into a boat. The wave represents traditional high schools and the boat represents GCE and how we are overcoming the conventional high school's’ mission and style of teaching. For this mural, we decided to use acrylic paint, soft gel glossy medium, stencil, and spray paint. Our space is right in the entrance, there are four panels on the wall that we have to fill with our image. Since we couldn’t get into the space right away, we had to cut and trim sixteen pieces of butcher paper and then tape them together in three groups of four. To get the image onto the paper we had split our image into sixteen equal parts and traced the image onto the paper. We then painted the image with the colors we created so it could be hung on the wall. Our color scheme mimics the ocean. We used blues, greens, and whites for the main part and then we used gold spray paint for the boat. We mixed all of those colors together to create the perfect color for the sky, the wave, and the foam of the wave. I think this mural will transform the space because our main goal was to show how GCE is as a community and how we are overcoming the way traditional high schools run. We have decided to put our mural right in the entrance so it’s the first thing everyone will see when they walk into the space everyday. I think that the mural will enhance the space by giving it a sense of community. The boat in the image is representing us as a school and how we are overcoming the traditional way of teaching. I think that it will give an essence of nature with the way the skylight works with the water and the lighting will reflect off the colors to make the room seem brighter. I feel like this mural will make a very big impact on the students because it will let everyone see let everyone see that even though we are still a small school, we are making a huge impact.

The roles that I claimed were documentarian, director of operations, artistic director, and mule. Each person in my group had a different role every day. My favorite role was either documentarian or the director of operations. I was good at documenting because I really enjoy taking pictures and my phone also lets me take time lapse videos which will be a very cool addition to the resulting video. I didn’t really enjoy being a mule because the point of that job is getting what everyone needs but I was always so focused on the mural so I would be too busy to drop what I was doing to go get something. If I could change anything about the process it would be having more time in the space. Once we found out that we wouldn’t be able to get into the space, it was a major setback which caused us to have to change how we will create the mural. Instead of painting directly on the surface, we had to paint on large panels of paper which we will wheatpaste onto the designated wall space. I feel like the mural won’t look exactly how my group had envisioned it to look because we originally thought it would be painted directly on the wall rather than painted onto paper which was pasted to the wall. Even though it’s set back, we worked through it and I think that it will still look good. Our mural has still not been put up due to problems in the space but we are hoping it will be up soon.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Best of the Best

For the action project in my Book Bound class we created a portfolio with the main projects we completed in this class. Each of the projects shared a common interest in getting ready to move to the new space. All of these projects will have an impact in the new space. In this unit, we focused on different things relating to literacy. We did a lot of work on the library and books in general. We read The Great Gatsby and worked with that book to begin our discussion of the cannon. We talked about the way that we learned to read and created a storyboard around that and we also focused on illiteracy and how it is affecting the world today. It was difficult to pick which 4 projects I wanted to do because i really liked all of them. I am proud of the work that I did on every project I chose.

Assignment 1:

For this assignment we had to create a storyboard that represented our history of reading. We had to include how and when we learned to read, who taught us, how we feel about reading, etc. This relates to the course because this whole class is about books and reading and this was a biography of reading for each individual student. I decided to pick this assignment for my project because I felt like this was one of my best projects and it is interesting to show how I learned to read. To complete this assignment, I just went to the website and just filled in whatever I could remember. It was difficult at some points to remember some exact details about my reading history. To perfect this project I fixed up some of the slides so that they looked better and made more sense. I also had to change some of the objects and settings in my slides so that they looked more realistic. Then to go over the requirements, I added some more text to a couple of my panels.

Assignment 2:

For this assignment we had to create a literary journal with different pieces of literature from everyone in our group. We also had to include some external submissions that we got from people outside our class. This assignment relates to the course because we learned a lot about different literary techniques and pieces so this was a perfect way to show the different types of literary work. I selected this because I feel like this was a great piece of work that I did and I really enjoyed being able to create this magazine. It was difficult at some points to figure out how to arrange everything but in the end I think it came out very well. I am very proud of the way this journal came out and I am very happy of all of my work.

Assignment 3:

We had to create a poster to promote literacy in different ways based on a question we came up with. My question was “How does reading affect the brain”. This assignment is good for this course because it focuses on literacy and how we can teach people that reading is good and worth doing since the literacy rate has dropped drastically. I decided that this was one of my best projects because I put out a lot of information about illiteracy and I decided to do my project digitally so I was able to make it very unique. I looked up as many facts as I could and I also found a study that a neuroscientist had conducted to test illiteracy in Brazil. It wasn’t very hard to find much information because there has been a lot of tests done on this topic. Illiteracy has become so big all over the world so many scientist have been trying to figure out why. Some of the changes I made were making the cuts nicer, and shrinking the image so that when I print out the image it will all be on one paper.

Assignment 4:

For this assignment, we had to create a slideshow about one of our favorite books and why it should be in the cannon. This course was focused around our new school space and we were in charge of the library. This project let everyone defend their choice book and why it should be in the cannon. I chose this project for my AP because I think it was very well made and the book that I chose to do is one of my favorites and I think that it is an amazing story that made for a good project. Once I had chosen my book, I focused mainly on the audio clip and found out that my book has its own youtube channel so I had a lot to choose from.  It was hard to find some things about the author and it was hard to think of a bunch of connections because this book is unique in it’s own way. Some of the revisions I made were changing some of the slides so that they made more sense. I also changed the video clip because the slide was not right so I corrected it, as well as adding another slide about the connections.