Friday, May 29, 2015
The Doctors Visit
For the last Action Project in the Cure class, we had to self evaluate ourselves and pretend that we were the patient and the doctor. We had to come up with a disease that we or a family member could have had that we wanted to be protected from. Throughout this entire unit, we learned about different ways to prevent different diseases from ourselves. For this project. We had to create a video of ourselves talking to ourselves about different ways of preventing a disease in the nutritional sense and the hygiene sense. One of the things that I struggled with is filming the video. It was hard to think of an idea that would make sure I would be the only voice on there so I just decided to make my stuffed animals be the characters and my voice be theirs. I really enjoyed doing this project because it was fun to get to be creative with it. I enjoy filming videos so this one was extremely fun for me to do. Take a look at my video down below.
GCE Lab School,
Spring 2015,
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Greek Chorus: Raisin in the Sun
For the final part of the Drama course, we read A Raisin in the Sun. We studied the different roles women have had over the years. For the last Action Project, we wrote a Greek Chorus. A Greek chorus has two parts, The commentary and the prologue. We were challenged to pick a heroic character from A Raisin in the Sun and write about their high points and their downfall from being a hero. I picked Mama because it was easy to find different times where she would have a high and low point. they were We spent time working on the two parts and got to look at a lot of examples of the two parts for reference. That was incredibly helpful because it gave me an idea of how the chorus should look. One of the things I struggled with on this project was figuring out the wording for all of the parts of the dialogue when the chorus would speak. It was difficult to make sure the dialogue from the book flowed with the dialogue from the chorus. The main idea from my chorus was that you should always honor the wishes of those who you love wishes. One of the things I thought was easy was picking a scene and hero character. It was simple to chose a hero because there are so many in the play. I really enjoyed this action project.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Lost in 1426
For the second action project in the Drama course, we had to write a script with three characters in it: ourselves, Nora from A Doll's House, and a historical woman of our choice. We have been studying the roles of woman in society from different time periods and have been researching how woman were treated in a marriage. One of the things that I struggled with was the recording of the script. It was very hard for everyone to concentrate and not make a mistake so we wouldn't have to start all over. I had to do a lot of trimming of the audio so it would sound perfect. I really enjoyed my script that I wrote because I worked in some comedy and I touched on the point of woman and their roles. Please take a look at my script and listen to the reading of it.
France, 1426. The countryside, it’s midday and the sun is high in the sky. There is a field with flowers. It is hot and there is a large castle in the very far distance.
Scene 1:
MF and N wake up in a long flowery field unsure as to what is going on or where they are. MF is a young girl with brown curly hair, she is wearing a t-shirt, shorts and Vans. Nora is a young woman, about 26. She is wearing a blue dress with a white collar with a pair of white flats. The two do not know one another.
(gets up and looks around) Wait… what just happened?
(gets up as well and looks around)
Where am I?
Who are you? (points and looks at N)
Nora… who are you?
MF… why are we here? Do you know whats going on? (searching around)
Not a clue! Do you?
If I knew, would I have asked you? (glaring)
No need for so much attitude.
(sighs and rolls eyes) Whatever, we need to find out where we are and why we are here. (checks phone) ugh no service.
Good idea, I think I see a town over there, let’s head that way. (she points and walks towards the town)
Alright… wait, what is that? (looks and points)
Where? (confused and looks around unsure of where she is looking)
There! (she grabs Nora’s head and turns it)
It looks like a horse, with a person on it! Hey help us! (waving arms)
Help! Please!
(rides up and stops her horse) Hello, what can I do for you?
Hi, yes, we are lost and have no idea where we are, and my phone isnt working. (points at phone)
Your… phone?
Yeah, you know? IPhones? Texting, tweeting, calling? Anything?
(J looks at MF and Nora, confused)
Ugh forget it. Can you help us? (annoyed)
Of course! Lets go back to my home and I’ll help you. Hop on!
(N and MF get on the horse and ride towards J’s house)
Scene 2:
(at Joan’s house, sitting at a small wood table drinking tea and water )
So where are we exactly? Is this like some sort of old- timey convention or something? Cause this is pretty lame. (glaring at J)
N: (glaring at M)
Ignore her, could you please just tell us where we are? We would really appreciate it.
oh this is no convention or whatever you are calling it. You’re in France! (smiles)
What the hell am I doing here! (standing up and knocking her chair over)
What year is it?
1426 of course!
N and MF:
(eyes wide) WHAT?!
You guys are funny! Now what are you guys doing here?
I just took a nap at my house and now I’m here! This is insane. Am I being punked? Come out Ashton Kutcher! This isn’t funny! (looking around the house)
( turns towards M quickly and angry) Shut up! Oh my.. my children… my husband… well ex-husband.. they aren’t even alive yet!
(confused) You mean to say you didn’t know you were here?
Not at all. This is terrible! My phone doesn’t work, my friends and family aren’t even alive yet. This is the worst day ever.
(looking excited) Did Jesus send you here?
(raises eyebrows at J) Excuse me, who?
Jesus, (whispering) did he send you?
(to N) Is she serious
I think so…. (confused)
(Bringing three plates full of food to the table) I haven’t told anyone this, but Jesus sent me a message.
Scene 3
(It is darker now. around 7 o’clock. They are still gathered around the table and have just finished eating dinner. Nora is clearing the table along with Joan while Maddie sits with her legs crossed. Once the dishes are done, they all move back to the table to finish the conversation)
umm… (turns to N and whispers) I think this chick is crazy we need to get out of here. (turns to J laughing) You’re kidding right.. tell me you’re kidding please
(whispering) let her finish! (turns back to J) go on…
He told me to go to the King and help him fight the war…
oh my god this is insane. (throws hands in the air and rolls eyes)
Forget it, we can talk about it later. Now, about you guys being stuck here, Nora, you said your ex- husband wasn’t alive, you got a divorce? How!
It’s not like it’s hard… (confused)
(sighs) In my time period it is. I had to leave, I had to get out of that house. He treated me like a child and I just could not stand it anymore. I loved him, but not enough to stay.
(sympathetic) I am sorry. He seems like a jerk. Good job leaving him.
You couldn’t have stayed for your children? T hey need you, it’s your job. (appalled)
No it isn’t! Women can do things men can do and vise versa.
Not as well…
I agree with Maddie (gesturing towards MF) , I just wanted to leave to be able to do things on my own. I didn’t want to live in his shadow anymore.
This is a pointless conversation because she is only going to believe what she knows as normal around this dump.
Don’t be rude. (glaring at MF)
It’s ok. You two look like you could use some sleep it’s getting dark out.
(looks out window) Wow you can literally see all of the stars. It’s beautiful.
(looking as well) wow it’s incredible.
Well, we can figure out how to get you two home tomorrow.
Sounds good. (walking away but stops) Hey Joan? Thanks for helping us. Who knows where we would be right now if we hadn’t found you. I know this was crazy cause I bet two strangers claiming they come from 2 completely different time periods coming into your house does not happen everyday.
(smiling) We really appreciate it.
Glad to be of service. Now follow me and I can show you where you can sleep.(leads them to a room and points to separate areas for them to sleep in.)
(MF and N and J lay down and close their eyes)
Good night you two
Good night.
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